Project Indexes

Project Indexes are table of contents type items listed in the Project Map of the Navigator palette. They allow you to display and access lists of views, layout sheets and drawings based on a set of filtering criteria.

Project indexes are based on schemes defined with the Document > Project Indexes > Project Index Schemes command. The dialog box that appears allows you to:

Create, rename, delete, import and export schemes

Choose the filtering criteria (depending on the type of the index)

Select the parameters and other information to display for the items that match the set criteria.

For more information, see Index Settings Dialog Box.

Once the new (or modified) scheme is defined, its name appears in the Navigator and you can use it like any other view, meaning that you can add it to a view map, publish it or place it on a layout.

Project indexes have their own special icons in the Navigator.


View lists allow you to filter and list views by their location in the Project Map, their scale, model view option combination, layer combination, dimensioning standard and publishing status.


Layout sheet lists allow you to filter and list layouts by their master layouts, subsets and publishing status.


Drawing lists allow you to filter and list drawings by their location (layout and subset), update status and zoom information.


To open an index, go to the Navigator palette and double-click its name.

The format of the index (including fonts, colors, cell and heading styles) can be fully customized with the controls on the left of the displayed list.

The content of the index is based on the choices you made in Project Index Schemes. If you need to adjust them, you can directly access this dialog box by clicking the Index Settings button top right.


Project indexes are interactive, which means that you can edit some of the fields: for example, you can change the scale or the layer combination of a view, the name or the ID of a layout or a placed drawing.

The modifications are carried out immediately.

You can move Index Settings among projects by exporting and importing them (use the Import/Export commands in the Index Settings dialog box).

Index of Published Items

Suppose you are publishing a number of Layouts in a Publisher Set, and you want to include a Sheet Index which indicates which items have been published.

One way to do this is to add the field “Published” to the Index.


The checkboxes will be activated for those items which you have published, but only in the published copy of the Index (not while you work in ARCHICAD).

For example, if you publish Foundation and Roof plans, as well as this Sheet Index, on a Layout, then the published Sheet Index Layout will look like this:


If you want the published Sheet Index to list only published items, add “Published” as a criterion to your Index Settings.


Note: As long as the “Published” criterion is set to “On”, the Index as viewed in the ARCHICAD window will be empty. Thus, set this criterion to Off while you format the list, then set it to On before you publish the Sheet Index. The published Sheet Index will then consist of a list of published index items.

For more information, see Index Settings Dialog Box.

See also Change List and Issue History.