Why Consolidate?

Several ArchiCAD features involve the creation of “exploded” elements. Model-based Details, Worksheets and Drawing Sections create 2D elements (lines, fills) out of the model construction elements. Also, imported DWG drawings appear in ArchiCAD in 2D form, as a large collection of lines and fills.

In these Drawing-type windows, you may wish to fine-tune the view before final output. You will find, however, that the “exploded” lines and fills often contain superfluous elements (extra line segments, overlapping or superfluous fills) that make such editing difficult.

To make editing easier, first use the Linework and Fill Consolidation functions on selected items in the window.

Line and Fill Consolidation are separate functions and are executed independently of each other. Select the elements, then execute either the Linework Consolidation or the Fill Consolidation command. (Edit > Reshape > Linework/Fill Consolidation).