Options for Editing Revolved Shells

Select the axis or the profile of the Revolved Shell. One end of the axis is distinguished by a larger hotspot; this represents the Shell’s base height.

Edit Revolution Angle

Click anywhere on the profile of the selected Shell to bring up this command in the pet palette. Choose Edit Revolution Angle.

EditRevAngle.png           EditRevAngle2.png           EditRevAngle3.png

Distort Axis

DistortRotated.png        DistortRotated2.png

Slant Axis

RotatedTilt.png               RotatedTiltDone.png

Move Profile Node

MoveProfileNode1.png                         MoveProfileNode2.png

Continue Profile

ExtendProfileRev1.png                                 ExtendProfileRev2.png

ExtendProfileRev3.png                                  ExtendProfileRev4.png

Rotate Profile

Select the Rotate profile command from the Pet Palette. Then (as when rotating other elements) click on a point, then draw a rotation axis. Click to complete the rotation.



Curve Edge

Click anywhere along the Shell profile to bring up this command on the pet palette.

CurveEdgeShell1.png                      CurveEdgeShell2.png