Best Practices for Creating Renovation Views

Save Filter Options with Project Template

Renovation Filter Options are stored with the project. Save the project as a template file, then use that template when creating new projects to ensure that your preferred renovation options are available by default.

Export Configured Filter Options to Another Computer

From the Renovation Filter Options dialog box, export your preferred settings as an XML file. You can then import this file to be able to use your Renovation Filter Options on another machine.

Building Modeling

1.While you are working in Existing Plan view, keep the Renovation Status setting on “Existing”. This way, all new elements are classified as Existing.

2.Next, switch the Renovation Filter to “New Construction” or “To be Demolished”. Select the elements to be demolished, then use the Palette icons to switch their Renovation Status from Existing to “To Be Demolished.”

3.Finally, before you start modeling the new elements, make sure you are in the “New Construction” Renovation Filter. Switch the default Renovation Status to “New”. All new elements you create now get a Renovation Status of “New.”

Creating Views for the documentation

Once you have defined Renovation Statuses for your elements, and you have adjusted the Renovation Filter options to your liking, just apply the desired Renovation Filter.

Save with the view. Your published Drawings will thus reflect the settings of your Renovation Filters.