3D Projections

ArchiCAD can display parallel (axonometric) projections and perspectives.

Axonometric projections automatically show the entire model in the center of your view. Perspectives are defined by a viewpoint and a specific target.

When the 3D window is active, the 3D Navigator Preview Palette contains a miniature representation of the entire project view. This allows you a quick way to modify your 3D Projection Settings, whether perspective or parallel (axonometric); you can adjust the view cone or change the axonometry while retaining an overview of the whole project.

See Navigator Preview (3D).

3D Projection Settings

Go to View > 3D View Options > 3D Projection Settings, or open this dialog box from the Mini-Navigator’s pop-up menu.

The name and contents of the dialog box depend on the projection type:

Parallel Projection Settings or

Perspective Projection Settings.

You can easily switch from one settings dialog to the other with the button at the top right corner.


The projections you define here remain valid only until the next time you open the dialog box and modify them.

How to Switch Between Axonometric and Perspective Views

You can switch between the 3D Window’s “Perspective” and “Axonometry” views by using the:

Predefined shortcuts:

Ctrl+F3 = Axonometry

Shift+F3 = Perspective

Commands available from View > 3D View Options:


3D Visualization toolbar:

3DVizAxo.png          3DVizPersp.png

Mini-Navigator toolbar:


Navigator Palette:


How to Store a 3D Projection

To store projections that you set up in the 3D Window, you can:

Use the Save Current View command from the context menu of the Navigator palette. This will create a view (perspective or axonometric) based on the currently set up projection in the 3D window. The new view will be added to your Navigator View Map.

Add the current perspective to your Project Map, using the View > 3D Navigation Extras > Place a Camera into the path command. A camera capturing the current perspective will also appear on the Floor Plan.

Add the current axonometric (parallel) projection to the series of Pre-Set views, using the View > 3D Navigation Extras > Add Current Projection command.

Related Topics:

Parallel Projection Settings

Perspective Projection Settings


Pre-Set Projections

3D Navigation Extras