
The following straight and curved line elements can be created in ArchiCAD using the different Line tools and geometry methods.

Single straight line segments, series of Chained straight and Curved line segments, Rectangles and Rotated Rectangles.

Circular Arcs and full Circles

Elliptical Arcs and full Ellipses

Straight or Curved Polylines

Natural Splines, Bézier curves and Freehand curves

Double-clicking any of the Line type tools will open a dialog box in which you can adjust the settings of the given tool.

In each of these dialog boxes, the Uniform Settings for Line Tools checkbox allows you to apply the settings made in this dialog box to all line-type tools: Line, Arc/Circle, Spline, Polyline.

For more information, see Line Tool Settings, Arc/Circle Tool Settings, Spline Tool Settings and Polyline Tool Settings.

Topics in this section:

Line Categories in ArchiCAD

Drawing a Single Straight Line Segment

Stretching or Shrinking Lines

Drawing Arcs and Full Circles

Stretching Curves

Editing an Arc Using its Tangent

Drawing Elliptical Arcs and Full Ellipses

Convert Ellipse to Circle

Drawing Splines

Editing Splines

Drawing Freehand Curves

Drawing Polylines and Chained Lines

Decompose a Polyline

Unify Drafting Elements into Polyline