Autotext Reference Drawing

ArchiCAD lets you set a particular drawing as an Autotext reference. This means that your Autotext does not necessarily have to refer to the view or layout onto which you are placing the text.

To set a drawing as Autotext reference, select a drawing in the Navigator or Organizer or on the layout, then right-click to display a context menu and choose the Set as Autotext Reference command. (The same command is also available from the Drawing Manager.)


Once defined as an Autotext Reference, this drawing will appear as a choice in the Insert Autotext dialog box.


The Autotext entries that use the Reference as source will then show values based on the reference drawing.

If you later define a different drawing as Autotext Reference, earlier Autotexts referring to the original drawing will remain unchanged.

Autotext Keywords

The following Autotext Keywords are available when using the Autotext commands.

Use the keywords in the right-hand column to insert Autotext items into GDL scripts.

To show this Autotext:

Type this

Project & Site Details


Project Name


Project Number


Project Status


Site Full Address


Site City


Site State


Site Postcode


Site Country








Architect Details


Architect Name


Architect Company


CAD Technician


Architect Full Address


Architect Address 1


Architect Address 2


Architect Address 3


Architect City


Architect State


Architect Postcode


Architect Country


Architect E-mail


Architect Phone Number


Architect Fax


Architect Web




Client Details


Client Name


Client Company


Client Full Address


Client Address 1


Client Address 2


Client Address 3


Client City


Client State


Client Postcode


Client Country


Client E-mail


Client Phone Number


Client Fax




Layout autotexts


Layout Name


Layout ID


Subset Name


Subset ID


Layout Number


Number of Layouts




Layout Revision autotexts


Current Revision ID


Current Revision’s Issue ID


Current Revision’s Issue Name


Current Revision’s Issue Date


Current Revision Issued By




Drawing autotexts


Drawing Name


Drawing ID


Drawing Scale


Original Scale






System autotexts

Note: File-dependent system autotexts will be undefined until you save your project file at least once.

Date (Long)


Date (Short)


File Name


File Path


Last saved at


Last saved by






Note: Your Drawing Scale, if you customize it in Drawing Settings, is distinct from its Original Scale (the scale of the Drawing’s source view).