Edit Targets and Operators Palette (Solid Element Operations)

For more information, see Solid Element Operations.

The Design > Connect > Solid Element Operations command opens a floating palette, Edit Targets and Operators.


New Operation Panel

Use the controls in this panel to set up and execute a Solid Element Operation.

Get Target Elements: Click to store the selected objects as Target Elements. They are now stored as Target Elements (even after you deselect them) as long as the Solid Element Operations (Edit Targets and Operators) palette remains open.

Note: If you selected the Target elements in the 3D Window, they may not all belong to the same Story. In this case, a warning will inform you about this.

To select the stored target elements again if you have deselected them, click the Select Stored Targets button.


Note: If you then select another element and click the Get Target Elements button again, it will replace the stored selection.

Get Operator Elements: Click to store the selected objects as Operators. You do not need to perform this selection in the same window as you did for the Targets; you can select the Target on one story and the Operator on another one.

To select the stored target elements again if you have deselected them, click the Select Stored operators button.


Choose an operation: Click to select the desired operation type between Target and Operator elements.

New Surfaces of Target will: Specify whether the new surfaces of Target Elements will use the Target Element surface attributes, or whether they will inherit the Operator Elements’ surface attributes.

Inherit Attributes of Operator: Choose to define attributes of the new surfaces as those of the Operator Elements.

Use Their Own Attributes: Choose to define attributes of the new surfaces as those of the Target Elements.

Execute: Click to create a Solid Operation Link between the stored Operator and Target Elements.

Maintain Operations Panel

Maintain Operations: Use the controls in this panel to verify, edit and cancel already existing Solid Operations. These controls affect elements that have been linked via a completed Solid Operation, and have no connection to the settings of the New Operation panel above.

Add to Selection

If you have selected an element that has participated in a Solid Element Operation, use the following two buttons to add more elements to the selection: those which are either the targets or the operators of the selected elements. You can click both buttons in succession; this will select all the targets and all the operators of the linked Solid Element Operation.

Targets of Selected Elements: Click this button to add elements to the current selection which are targets of the selected element.

Operators of Selected Elements: Click this button to add elements to the current selection which are operators on the selected element.

Cancel Operations of Selected Elements

All Targets: Click this button to cancel any links that may exist between the selected operators and their targets (if any).

All Operators: Click this button to cancel any links that may exist between the selected target elements and their operators (if any).

All Other Selected Elements: The current selection may contain elements linked to each other by a solid operation. Click this button to cancel these links.