The following is a description of the Inside Casing Settings page of the Graphical Interface Panel of Window Settings, for a window in the INT ArchiCAD Library.
Use this tab page to assign a casing and define its options. (Casing can also be assigned in the General Settings tab page.)
Check Inside Casing to assign one and to set the casing’s parameters.
Note: You cannot use both Casing and Turn Plaster options at the same time.
See Turn Plaster.
If your window has a sill, the Casing below Sill checkbox is available. Check this box if you wish to add casing below it.
Note: A sill can be assigned in the General Settings tab page, or on the Sill Settings tab page.
Casing Attributes
To set fill, material and pen attributes for the casing, click the button (at the top right of the Casing Settings page) to access the Attributes controls.