About Parametric Objects

Objects can be placed in the Project

using one of ARCHICAD’s dedicated tools (Object, Lamp, Door, Window, Skylight, Corner Window, Stair, Wall End, Curtain Wall Accessory or Junction)

automatically by specific commands or Add-Ons (Markers, Labels, RoofMaker and TrussMaker elements)

See Settings of Library Part Elements.

If you open a Project and the Library Loading Report palette or Library Manager informs you that any placed objects are missing, those items cannot be displayed on the plan.

The place of missing library parts is indicated by nondescript spots on the plan.

See Library Manager for details.

See also Libraries with Duplicate Objects.

You will find most of the objects you need for your project in the ARCHICAD Library - the factory-shipped library of standard objects. The objects are organized into folders and sub-folders to make it easy to locate what you need. The ARCHICAD Library is comprehensive, although localized versions of ARCHICAD libraries will contain special objects which are localized for the standards of particular countries.

When you activate a tool that is dedicated to a particular Object subtype (i.e. Stair, Door), the Settings Dialog box accesses only the relevant part of the ARCHICAD Library. For example, activating the Window Tool gives you access to all the Windows in the ARCHICAD Library, but not Doors or Mechanical Objects.

See also About GDL Object Subtypes.

All of these files can be opened in ARCHICAD with the File > Libraries and Objects > Open Object command and they can be created in ARCHICAD with the File > Libraries and Objects > New Object command. You can also create objects graphically, using other ARCHICAD elements, and then saving them as an Object file.

See Graphic Creation of Custom Library Parts and Components.