In ARCHICAD, you can draw walls that are straight, curved, trapezoidal and polygonal.
Wall structure can basic (of a single component), or composite (composed of several components). You can also create complex walls (Profile Wall) of any custom shape and with a combination of components. Like other construction elements, a Wall’s essential structure derives from its Building Material.
Certain parametric objects such as Doors, Windows, and Wall Ends can only be placed into Walls.
A Curtain Wall is constructed with a separate, dedicated Curtain Wall tool.
See Curtain Wall: A System Tool.
Wall parameters are set in Wall Tool Settings. The bottom of every Wall (like other elements) is linked to its Home Story; you can also top-link the Wall to any story above it in the project. As needed, define offsets from its top link or Home Story; this will affect the Wall Height. Alternatively, just enter a fixed Wall height, without a top link.
For more information, see Wall Tool Settings, Home Story and Define Top Link for Wall, Column or Zone.
Use Wall Settings to choose attributes for the display of your wall in the various 2D and 3D windows, and to define its Building Material.
See Wall Tool Settings.
Additional display attributes are set using the pop-up options in the Floor Plan & Section panel of the Settings dialog box.
Use the Floor Plan Cut Plane, combined with element projection preferences, to determine which parts of the placed wall should be displayed.
See Floor Plan Cut Plane (Global Setting).
See also How to Display Individual Elements on the Floor Plan.
While a Wall’s surface is defined as part of its Building Material, you can override a Wall’s surfaces on the Wall’s “outside” (reference line side), edge, and “inside” surfaces, using the controls in the Model Panel of Wall Settings.
Some aspects of Wall display depend on the current settings in View > On-Screen View Options.
•Clean Wall & Beam Intersections can be set on and off.
•Fill patterns can be shown as Vectorial Hatching or bitmap.
Other display options for a wall’s fill patterns are set in Document > Set Model View > Model View Options.
See Model View Options Override Fill Display.
Topics in this section:
Create a Polygon Wall (PolyWall)
Create a Slanted or Double-Slanted Wall