Contents of the Worksheet Window

A project-based Worksheet only contains drawing primitives, that is, lines and fills. These originate from the construction elements on the Floor Plan or Section/Elevation/IE, or 3D Document.

Section/ Elevation and Detail/Worksheet markers within the Worksheet boundary are “live” markers: they continue to function as markers.

When transferring all or part of a model view to a Worksheet window, annotation elements and dimensions will, by default, also appear in the resulting Worksheet.

To copy construction elements only, without annotations/dimensions, check the “Copy construction elements only” box in Worksheet Settings.

The resulting Worksheet will have the same scale as the source, if any. (If the source has no scale, the Worksheet will be shown at a default scale value.)

Annotations, Dimensions and Markers Cut by the Boundary

If the Worksheet boundary intersects annotation elements, dimensions or marker-type elements (Section/Elevation markers; Detail/Worksheet markers), then these will be transferred to the Worksheet window if they meet the relevant criteria, as follows.

Note: The following also apply to Detail drawings. (However, by default, Detail drawings do not include annotations or dimensions at all, unless you uncheck “Copy Construction elements only” in Detail Settings.)

Figures and Drawings: if at least one reference point is inside the worksheet boundary, the entire Figure or Drawing will be included in the Worksheet.

Labels: Arrowhead must be inside the boundary.

Dimensions: The relevant reference point(s) or the dimension’s endpoints must be inside the boundary.

Dimensions with two endpoints must have both endpoints inside.

Dimension chains will be transferred by segment: if both endpoints of any segment are within the boundary, that segment is included in the Worksheet.

If any part of the Wall falls within the boundary, then all Doors, Windows, and Door/Window markers in that Wall are also included in the Worksheet.

Detail markers: If a detail viewpoint’s origin (the “X”) or endpoint of a marker falls within the boundary, the entire marker is included in the Worksheet.

Section and Elevation Markers: If any part of a Section or Elevation line is included in the boundary, the Section/Elevation marker (a GDL object) will be included in the Worksheet, although the line’s geometry may be different (the line may be shorter) if the boundary includes only part of the Section/Elevation line.

Note: Interior Elevation markers, unlike Section/Elevation markers, are cut by the boundary and appear in the Worksheet as exploded line/fill components.

Related Topics:

Display of Detail/Worksheet Boundary

Update Detail/Worksheet Marker Boundary