Curtain Wall Settings: Junctions

In Curtain Wall System Settings, the Junctions page sets the System-level default settings for Junctions.

Junction Tool Settings contains identical controls. Junction Tool Settings is available in Curtain Wall Edit mode only. Use the Class pop-up to apply System-level Junction settings. If you customize any parameters in Junction Tool Settings, the Class pop-up will show “Custom.”

Junction Type Panel

Choose a Junction object from the pop-up.

Below you can set parameters which vary depending on the Junction type. A preview helps you visualize the end result. Junctions will be displayed on each model view in accordance with the settings defined in their scripts.

Note: Junctions are not displayed at all on the Floor Plan if the Floor Plan Display is set to Symbolic or Symbolic with Overhead.

Click the Flip button to move the selected Junction to the opposite side of the Curtain Wall.