Pen Sets

ARCHICAD comes with several predefined Pen Sets. These are listed and managed Options > Element Attributes > Pens & Colors 


Document > Pen Sets > Pens & Colors.

You can just use the default pen set, or you can apply a different Pen Set for your project, depending on the purpose of the current output.

To assign a pen to an element, open the pencolor pop-up (in the element settings dialog box or in the Info Box of a selected element) and choose the desired pen for the element or one of its components - such as the cut line pen assigned to the slab in the following image:


The available pens in these pop-ups are derived from the Pen Set currently applied for this project.

The following sections describe how to work with Pen Sets in ARCHICAD:

Apply a Pen Set

Redefine a Pen Set

Transfer a Pen Set to Another Project

Predefined Pen Sets for Specific Functions

Pens & Colors Dialog Box

Read More on Help Center

Pen Sets