Autotext Keywords

The following Autotext Keywords are available when using the Autotext commands.

Use the keywords in the right-hand column to insert Autotext items into GDL scripts.

To show this Autotext:

Type this Keyword

Project Details


Project Name


Project Description


Project Code


Project Number


Project Status






Project Custom

created dynamically



Site Details


Site Name


Site Description


Site Full Address


Site Address1


Site Address2


Site Address3


Site Postal Box


Site City


Site State


Site Postcode


Site Country


Site Gross Perimeter


Site Gross Area


Site Custom

created dynamically



Building Details


Building Name


Building Description


Building Custom

created dynamically



Contact Details


Contact Full Name


Contact Prefix Title


Contact Given Name


Contact Middle Name


Contact Family Name


Contact Suffix Title


Contact ID


Contact Role


Contact Department


CAD Technician Full Name


CAD Technician Prefix Title


CAD Technician Given Name


CAD Technician Middle Name


CAD Technician Family Name


CAD Technician Suffix Title


Contact Company


Contact Company Code


Contact Full Address


Contact Address1


Contact Address2


Contact Address3


Contact Postal Box


Contact City


Contact State


Contact Postcode


Contact Country


Contact E-mail


Contact Phone Number


Contact Fax


Contact Web


Contact Custom

created dynamically



Client Details


Client Full Name


Client Prefix Title


Client Given Name


Client Middle Name


Client Family Name


Client Suffix Title


Client Company


Client Full Address


Client Address 1


Client Address 2


Client Address 3


Client Postal Box


Client City


Client State


Client Postcode


Client Country


Client E-mail


Client Phone Number


Client Fax


Client Custom

created dynamically





Layout ID


Layout Name


Layout Number


Number of Layouts


Subset ID


Subset Name




Status Code




Modified by


Checked by


Approved by




Layout Revision


Current Revision ID


Current Revision’s Issue ID


Current Revision’s Issue Name


Current Revision’s Issue Date


Current Revision Issued By






Drawing ID


Drawing Name


Drawing Scale




Original Scale


Renovation Filter





Available if a Drawing has been defined as the Autotext Reference Drawing. See Autotext Reference Drawing.

Drawing ID ref.


Drawing Name ref.


Drawing Scale ref.


File Name ref.


File Path ref.


Layout ID ref.


Layout Name ref.


Layout Number ref.


Magnification ref.


Original Scale ref.


Renovation Filter ref.


Subset ID ref.


Subset Name ref.




System autotexts

Note: File-dependent system autotexts will be undefined until you save your project file at least once.

Date (Long)


Date (Short)


File Name


File Path


Last saved at


Last saved by






Other Autotexts (“All”) category

These are available in the Rename Publisher Items dialog box only. See Rename Publisher Items.

Folder Name

<FolderName> (Renames the item using the folder name in which it is located)

Folder Structure Name

<FolderStructureName> (Renames the item using the entire folder path of the item’s location in the Publisher Set)

Publisher Set Name


Source Item ID

<SourceID> (Renames the item using View ID or Layout ID, depending on the source of the Publisher item.)

Source Item Name

<SourceItemName> (Renames the item using View Name or Layout Name, depending on the source of the Publisher item.)

Note: Your Drawing Scale, if you customize it in Drawing Settings, is distinct from its Original Scale (the scale of the Drawing’s source view).