Panels are the flat surfaces - generally glazed - of the Curtain Wall. Panels are automatically placed between Frames and onto the Base Surface.
A Curtain Wall has two predefined classes of panels, Main and Distinct. However, you can add more Panel classes as needed: see Curtain Wall Panel Settings.
Panel Classes and their properties (type, surface, width) are defined in Curtain Wall Panel Settings.
The Curtain Wall’s pattern of Frames and Panels can be defined in Scheme Settings. (See Set up Grid Pattern in Scheme Settings.)
Most of your Curtain Wall panels will be “fixed” glazed surfaces. However, you can insert object-type Panels which serve as Door or Window openings.
When a Panel is selected in Edit mode, you can
•Open Panel Selection Settings and change them
•Delete the Panel
•Edit its parameters to create a Custom Panel class
•Create a new, named Panel Class based on a customized Panel