Merge Strings [CONCAT]

Joins two or more text strings into one.


CONCAT (“text1”, [“text2”], ...)

Note: The required separator (comma or semi-colon) automatically corresponds to your computer’s location settings.

Data Types of the Arguments


Data Type of the Result



Create a property called “Door Context ID”, consisting of a door’s Hotlink Master ID plus its Related Zone Number. (Both are String-type properties.)

The two strings should be separated by a dash.


CONCAT (Hotlink Master ID,”-”, Related Zone Number)


Room 213-6


Don’t forget that a Property can be applied to an element (including Hotlink elements) only if the Property is available to that element.

The Evaluate function (from Property Manager) does not work on Hotlink Elements. However, the expression involving Hotlink element properties is correctly evaluated in Interactive Schedule, in Element Settings, on the Element Information Palette, and any other interface, provided that the Property is valid and available.

CONCAT is similar to Join Strings [TEXTJOIN]. Use Join Strings [TEXTJOIN] if you want to specify an automatic delimiter between all text strings, and to ignore empty strings.

For another example using CONCAT, see Example 3: Expand Property with Descriptive Text String.