
Dimensions can be placed in the Floor Plan, the Section/Elevation/IE, the 3D Document, and the Detail and Worksheet windows.

Many dimensions are associative, which means that dimension values will be updated automatically if the element they are associated to is modified.

Note: “Static” Dimensions are not associative.

See Static Dimensions.

The 3D Document window has some unique dimensioning options.

See Linear Dimensions in the 3D Document Window.

The following dimensioning tools are available:

Linear Dimensions display element lengths, both curved and straight.


Elevation Dimensions (a construction method of the Linear Dimension tool) display height values in Section/Elevation/IE and 3D Document views.


Level Dimensions display height values on the Floor Plan.


Radial Dimensions display the radius of curved elements.


Angle Dimensions display the angle in degrees between pairs of lines or edges.


Related Topics:

Dimensioning Standards

Glossary of Dimensioning Terms

Static Dimensions

Linear Dimensions

Dimension Tool Settings

Dimension Text Settings

Dimension Wall or Slab Thickness

Linear Dimensions in the 3D Document Window

Elevation Dimensions

Radial Dimensions

Level Dimensions

Angle Dimensions

Edit Dimensions

Secondary Dimensions (Add-On)

Automatic Exterior Dimensioning

Automatic Interior Dimensioning