Save Local Copy of Teamwork Project

When you join a Teamwork project, local copies of the project and of its libraries are created on your hard drive.

Local data is also created when you link a Drawing from another project to your own project. The source project data is saved as local data to your machine, even though you did not join that project.

The Save command refreshes this local data. The Save command does not create a PLN file, and it does not send your changes to the server.

Local data are stored in the Local Data Folder, which by default is located in your installed GRAPHISOFT folder on your hard drive.

All data from all Teamwork projects, regardless of the ARCHICAD version they are in, are saved to this one location.

To manage your local data (e.g. move it to a new location or to delete it), go to the Local Data Manager dialog box (Teamwork > Project > Local Data Manager).

See Manage Local Teamwork Data.

Saving to a Recovery File for a Teamwork project behaves the same way as for solo PLNs: it automatically stores your Teamwork project to the Local Data Folder at predefined intervals, without your having to issue the Save command. Each user sets his/her own Recovery File preferences locally, at Options > Work Environment > Data Safety & Integrity.

Save as PLN

If you wish, you can save your Teamwork project as a PLN file. (Use File > Save As, and choose PLN file format); this newly saved PLN will contain all project elements. This PLN file is solely a local file and cannot be sent to the server, but you can re-share the PLN file as a Teamwork project.

Recommendation: If you are working in Teamwork and suspect any kind of data error, the first thing you should do is to save your project as a PLN file.

Necessary permission to save a project as a PLN: Save as PLN,PLA,MOD

Reload Project from Server

This command is located at Teamwork > Project > Reload Project from Server.

Ordinarily, you do not have to use this command during your normal daily workflow. But if you are working along and then realize that you want to discard your local changes and start fresh, or if you suspect any kind of data error in the project you are working on, use Reload Project from Server. This means that your unsent changes will be discarded, and you will get the current, entire state of the project as it exists on the server. (In contrast, when you Receive project changes from the server, your local data, including unsent changes, remain intact.)