Reserve Elements by Criteria (Teamwork)

If you want to reserve a larger logical group of elements (such as every element on one or more stories), use the Reserve Elements dialog box.


To bring up this dialog box, click the Reserve Elements or Reserve command from one of these locations:

the Teamwork Palette

the Teamwork menu

the context menu of the active window

the context menu of a Navigator item

ReserveElementsTWPalette.png     ReserveElementsContext.png

This function enables you to reserve all the elements which are located in a given region of the project, and which fit the criteria you define. In the Reserve Elements dialog box, you will define

1.the Project Region; and

2.Criteria for which elements to reserve, within the Project Region

Reserving Elements by Criteria will NOT select the elements; the criteria act as a filter for reserving elements in Teamwork.

In the active window:

If you clicked “Reserve Elements” from the context menu of the active window, the current window is listed as the Project region.

In the Navigator:

If you clicked “Reserve Elements” by right-clicking a Navigator item, that item will be listed in the Project region.


If you right-clicked the Layout Book, all Layouts and Master Layouts will be listed in the Project Region.

If you right-clicked the View Map, all views of the Public View Map will be listed in the Project Region.

If you right-clicked any Navigator Publisher Set, all views and/or layouts linked to this Publisher Set will be listed in the Project Region.

If you right-clicked any Navigator Group (e.g. Subsets; Stories; Elevations), all elements of that group (e.g. all Layouts in a Subset, as in the image below) are listed in the Project Region.

Add/Remove Items from Project Region

The Project Region can contain the following:

Any viewpoint

Any view

Any Layout or Master Layout

To remove any listed item from the project region of the Reserve Elements dialog box, select the item and click Remove.

To expand the project region to include other viewpoints, views or layouts, click Add. This brings up the Choose Project Region dialog box, listing eligible Navigator items to add as the Project Region.


Click one or more of the Navigator items, then click OK to add them to the Project Region.

Define Reservation Criteria

In the Criteria part of the Reserve Elements dialog box, choose the criteria with which to filter the elements that fall within the Project Region defined at the top of the dialog box.

From the Criteria Set Name pop-up, optionally choose a Built-In Criteria Set:

All Elements

All 2D Elements

All 3D Elements

All elements on unlocked and visible layers

Inverted elements

See Inverted Elements.


Note: The predefined “All elements on unlocked and visible layers” Criteria Set is designed to fit a workflow in which the project manager sets up views especially defined for Teamwork usage. You can create several views out of a single viewpoint, then vary the layer states in each view: set the layers of elements that logically belong together to be visible and editable (with the rest of the non-relevant elements locked), then name the view accordingly. For example, a view entitled “Ceiling Plan” might place all the paneling and mechanical structures onto visible and editable layers. This way, the designated user would reserve elements from the Ceiling Plan view by using the “Elements on unlocked and visible layers” criterion.

Public Criteria Sets and My Criteria Sets are listed if you have already defined and saved custom criteria sets.

See Stored Criteria Sets in Teamwork.

Alternatively, define a Custom criteria set: use the interface to add new criteria, or to define additional conditions for filtering.

See Save Custom Criteria Set (Teamwork).

Reserve Elements

Once you have defined the Project Region and the Criteria, click Reserve Elements.

The program now attempts to reserve all elements that (1) are located in the Project region you defined; and (2) fit the criteria you defined.

If this reservation attempt was unsuccessful, or only partially successful, the Last Reservation Results dialog box appears.

See Reservation Results (Teamwork) for details.

Which Elements Will Be Reserved?

If you reserve elements on a viewpoint (without specifying any Layer-related criteria), the reservation will not take the current Layer Settings into account (this means, for example, that you may reserve elements that are currently hidden).

If you reserve elements in a view (without specifying any Layer-related criteria), the program will take the current Layer Settings into account: only the elements on visible layers will be reserved.

Defining a “Layer” or “Layer Combination” as a criterion means that the program will find and select the elements which are visible according to the given Layer Combination.

If you reserve elements on a story, the program will reserve only those elements whose Home Story is located on that story. For example, if your Project region is Story 4, and there are roofs visible on that story - yet their Home Story is one story below - those roofs will not be reserved.

Reserving elements from a drawing-type viewpoint, such as a Worksheet or Detail, will only reserve 2D Drawing elements - no model elements.

If you reserve elements from a Layout or Master Layout, the program will reserve 2D elements only: Drawings and other 2D drawing elements that have been placed on the Layouts/Master Layouts.