Assignments in IFC Project Manager

For a definition, see IFC Data Types.

To create a new Assignment, do the following:

1.Switch to Assignment view mode by clicking the Assignments icon.

2.Select the Assignment type by clicking on the “IFC Groups”, “IFC Zones”, “IFC Systems”, “Actors”, “Space Occupants” or “Time Series Schedules” item.

3.Click the “New” button at the bottom of the window.

4.Select the new item, whose default name starts with “New”... and ends with the created Assignment type (e.g. New Group).

5.Give a (new) name to the new Assignment on the right side of the dialog in the Name Attribute field.


6.Edit the Attributes and/or the content of the available properties.

7.As needed, add custom IFC data to the project using the New... button.

See Create New, Custom IFC Property or Classification.

8.From the tree hierarchy, drag and drop IFC Entities into the “New Relation” folder.

Use the “Delete” (red X) button to delete a Relation or Assignment.


The Entity types that can be dragged into the new Assignment depend on the Assignment type. For example, you can only group IfcSpaces (ARCHICAD Zones) into an IFC Zone; while you can group both IfcSpaces and already existing IFC Zones within a Space Occupant (IfcOccupant).

If your project uses the MEP Modeler Add-On, then its defined MEP Systems can do the following:

-They can be classified as IFC Systems. Create a new, empty IFC System. Select it, then click on the MEP icon at the right (underneath the Assignment list), and choose the desired MEP System from the drop-down menu. All elements of the selected MEP System will automatically be added from the tree into the “New Relation” folder; the system’s name (Name Attribute) will be the same as the chosen MEP System.


-They can be added to an existing IFC System. Select an existing IFC System in the list, then choose an MEP System as described above. The existing IFC System is renamed according to the chosen MEP System, and all elements of that MEP System are added to the existing contents of the IFC System. In both cases, the system icon changes to the MEP “propeller” icon, indicating that an MEP System is being used. To delete MEP System elements from an IFC System, select the system item, and choose “Disconnected” from the drop-down menu of the MEP System options.

Multilevel (“Sub”) hierarchy is available for IFC Group, IFC Zone and IFC System assignments. Sub-hierarchy can be defined easily:

-drag and drop a predefined assignment into an existing “New Relation” (or named relation) folder of the same type assignment, or click “New”, with the “New Relation” (or named relation) folder of the “parent” assignment selected, to define a new “child” assignment

-a parent assignment moved into a different parent assignment becomes a “child” of that assignment

-a child assignment can be either moved or copied into a different parent assignment (to copy it, hold down Ctrl/Alt while dragging it)

-to make a child assignment into a parent assignment, select it and drag it outside of the dialog box; it will reappear in the hierarchy as a parent assignment

-If needed, define a name for the “New Relation” on the right side of the dialog in the “Name” Attribute field.

Examples of Assignments

Create an IfcZone named “Security Zone”, which will group together all of the project’s IfcSpaces that have a security function.


Group elevators in a vertical circulation system, which can be a child system of a mechanical system.


Define the project architect as a person-type Actor (set at “The Actor” Attribute) who is responsible for the project (the assigned entity is the IfcProject).


Using a new Space Occupant, group together all the IfcSpaces whose owner is an Organization.


Using a new Time Series Schedule, define an assignment of a weekly schedule (of the times when lighting is turned on and off) to IfcSpaces.
