Model Filter for IFC Import

Show Model Filter on import


If this option is active, then - after you issue an Open or Merge IFC command - the Model Filter window will open.

This gives you the chance to overwrite, for the purposes of the current import process, the elements to be imported.

See Filter Model at Import (Secondary Filter).

Select 3D Elements to Import

By Structural Function

Use this as an additional (element-level) filter for import purposes, which takes into account the elements’ “LoadBearing” IFC Property at import.

“Load-Bearing elements only” means that only those elements whose IFC Property “LoadBearing Element” has a “True” value will be imported from the IFC file to ARCHICAD.


If no Structural Function classification has taken place in the ARCHICAD project, or if you have not finished the classifying process in ARCHICAD, then you should choose “All Elements” here: either of the other two settings (“Load-Bearing elements only” or “Non-Load-Bearing elements only”) can result an empty IFC file, or one that is missing elements you might need.

IfcPile and IfcFooting entities are load-bearing structural elements by definition, although they have no “LoadBearing” property in the IFC2x3 Schema. They are always handled as load-bearing elements at import.

By IFC Domain

Use the IFC Domain to filter according to the following criteria for IFC import:

“All” includes all elements from the model

“Structural” includes only the structural building elements (IfcBuildingElement)

“MEP” includes only the mechanical elements (IfcDistributionElement)

See the exact composition of each Domain filter in the tree list below. Modifying this filter will create a “Custom” filter.


Select 2D Elements to Import

IFC Grid: During import, all IfcGrid elements of the IFC file will be imported and converted into grouped ARCHICAD Grid Elements.

IFC Annotations: Check this to import all IfcAnnotation-type elements (including exploded dimension elements) of the IFC file into ARCHICAD. They will be converted into 2D elements (texts and lines).

IFC Door/Window Footprints: During import, all generated doors and windows will be displayed in floor plan views with correct opening direction and sizes, based on their imported 2D symbols