
An element can have any number of Labels.

ARCHICAD comes with a set of built-in Labels, with highly customizable content.

You can also create your own Label by saving 2D drawing elements, including Autotext.

See Save 2D Elements as Label.


Label Geometry Methods: Associative and Independent

 There are two ways to place a label with the Label tool:

Associative labels are placed by clicking an element. The label remains associated to the element even after you move or modify the element. As applicable, any parameter values are automatically updated in the label.


Associative Label


If you delete an element, its associated labels are also deleted.

By default, a Label will be hidden if its associated element is hidden (e.g. on a hidden layer). To display the Label regardless of whether its associated element is visible, uncheck “Hide with Associated Element” in Label Tool Settings.

Multi-story elements must be labeled on each story separately.

Independent labels are not associated to any element. Typically, you will use an independent label to display information that does not come from the model (e.g. “install snow picks here”).


Independent Label

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Label Placement Methods: Simple and Detailed

The Simple method places the Label with one click, using the arrowhead and pointer line type/starting angle (if activated) as defined in the Info Box or Label Settings.


Simple Placement

The Detailed method requires three clicks (or two, if the pointer line’s starting angle is locked), giving you more control over pointer line placement.


Detailed Placement

See Pointer Line for details on Pointer Line settings.

See also Edit Text Box.

Related Topics:

Place an Associative Label

Place an Independent Label

Convert Associative Label to Independent Label

Label Tool Settings

Text/Autotext Label Content

Symbol Labels for Element Information

Custom Settings for Symbol Labels

Label Multiple Selected Elements

Labeling Curtain Walls

Labeling Stairs

Search for Elements by Label Text

Find and Select Text Blocks/Labels

Save 2D Elements as Label

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