Editing Trusses

The framework drawn on the Floor Plan is not associated to the truss after it has been created and placed (and can only be used to create new trusses). Modifying this outline has no effect on placed trusses.

TrussMaker offers you an additional method for editing placed trusses.

Select a truss and choose the Edit Truss command from the TrussMaker menu (Design > Design Extras) or the TrussMaker palette.

An alert will appear, prompting you to create a new Section window. Draw a simple section line with the Section/Elevation/IE tools, open the new Section/Elevation/IE window and then choose Continue Editing from the TrussMaker menu or palette. The original framework will appear in the window and you will be able to edit it.

continueediting.PNG   TMEditSection.PNG

When you have finished making your changes, choose the Create Truss command again.

The TrussMaker Settings dialog box will appear, with the same options as seen above. The only difference is that in addition to the Save button, a Save as button appears.


If you click Save, TrussMaker will display a warning telling you that you are about to save a library part under an existing name. Clicking Overwrite will replace the previous truss, while clicking Cancel will abort the whole process.

If you click Save as, a new truss object will be created. TrussMaker will prompt you to name this object.