Listing Material Quantities for Renovation Projects

This workflow explains how to set up views for Interactive Schedules that help you determine the total quantities of demolished building materials to be carted away, and of new building components to be acquired.

Note: The Renovation Filters cited below refer to filters whose settings are described at: Examples of Renovation Filters.

List Quantities of Demolished Materials

1.Use the Interactive Schedule to set up two separate Component Lists. Both Component Lists should use identical Scheme Settings, listing the parameters you need for the relevant construction elements (e.g. Walls, Slabs, Columns, Roofs).

Note: Component Lists are recommended here (rather than Element lists), because they allow you to disregard non-material components such as air space in the calculation. Component Lists also lets you categorize demolished components (e.g. recyclable, hazardous waste, etc.)

2.Save these Component Lists as views.

3.In one view, apply the Existing Plan Renovation Filter.

4.In the other view, apply the After Demolition filter.

5.Compare the two lists to determine the differences in material quantities.


For Doors/Windows and other non-construction elements:

1.Use the Interactive Schedule to set up two separate Element Lists using identical Scheme Settings, listing the parameters you need for Doors and Windows. (You cannot make Component lists for Doors and Windows.)

2.In one view, apply the Existing Plan Renovation Filter.

3.In the other view, apply the After Demolition filter.

4.Compare the two lists to determine the differences in quantities.

List Quantities of New Materials:

This workflow is almost the same as the one detailed above, except that you will use different Renovation Filters in the views to be compared:

In one view, apply the After Demolition Renovation Filter.

In the other view, apply the Planned Status filter.

Compare the two lists to determine the differences in material quantities.