Roof Listing Parameters


Short Description

Long Description


Dome Con­nection length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Roof Transition - Dome" in the Cus­tom Edge Settings dialog box.

Typically, the edge of two adjacent Roof planes forming a convex angle.


Eaves Length

Total length of all edges whose Type is set to "Eaves," in the Custom Edge Settings dialog box.



End Wall Connection Length

Total length of all edges whose Type is set to "End Wall" in the Custom Edge Settings dialog box.

Typically, this is an edge which joins a Wall and slopes down along the Wall.


Gables Length

Total length of all edges whose Type is set to "Gable" in the Custom Edge Settings dialog box.



Geometry Method

Single Plane, Multi-plane

Roof Geometry method


Surface Area of the Roof Bot­tom (Gross)

Surface area of the bottom of the Roof, including the sur­face of any holes.

Reduced by trims. SEO's are ignored


Surface Area of the Roof Edges (Gross)

Surface area of the Roof edges, includ­ing the surface of any holes.

Reduced by trims. SEO's are ignored


Surface Area of the Roof Top (Gross)

Surface area of the top of the Roof, including the sur­face of any holes.

Reduced by trims. SEO's are ignored


Hips Length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Hip" in the Custom Edge Settings dia­log box.

Typically, the edge of two adjacent planes that meet as a hip


Holes Sur­face Area

Total surface area of all holes in the Roof.



Hollow Con­nection Length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Roof Transition - Hollow" in the Cus­tom Edge Settings dialog box.

Typically, the edge of two adjacent Roof planes forming a concave angle.


Surface Area of the Roof Bot­tom (Net)

Surface area of the bottom of the Roof

Reduced by holes, trims and Solid Ele­ment Operations.


Number of Holes

Number of holes in the Roof

Holes are either created in the Roof man­ually, or they are cut by Skylights placed in the Roof.


Number of Skylights

Number of Sky­lights placed into the Roof.



Openings Surface Area

Total surface area of all Skylights placed in the Roof.



Peaks Length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Peak" in the Cus­tom Edge Settings dialog box.

Typically, the edge at the top end of a sin­gle-plane Roof.



Pitch of the Roof.

Pitch is set in the Geometry and Position­ing Panel but can be customized for any Roof Plane.


Ridges Length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Ridge" in the Cus­tom Edge Settings dialog box.

Typically, the edge of two adjacent Roof planes that meet to form a ridge.


Roof Level

In case of a multi-level Roof, indi­cates the Roof Level to which the listed Roof plane belongs.

Roof Level numbers can be seen in the Geometry and Positioning panel of Roof Settings or the Info box.


Side Wall Connection Length

Total length of all edges whose Type is set to "Side Wall" in the Custom Edge Settings dialog box.

 Typically, a Roof edge which joins a Wall and runs along the Wall horizontally.



Roof thickness, measured perpen­dicularly from the reference surface.

Thickness value is set in the Geometry and Positioning panel of Roof Settings or the Info box. (Can be displayed either as a perpendicular or vertical measure).


Trimming Body

Pivot Lines Down or Contours Down

Set in the Model Panel of Roof Settings.

Determines the geometry of the Trimming Body which acts upon other elements when they are trimmed by this Roof.


Valleys Length

Length of edges whose Type is set to "Valley" in the Cus­tom Edge Settings dialog box.



Vertical Thickness

Roof thickness measured vertically from the reference surface.

Thickness value is set in the Geometry and Positioning panel of Roof Settings or the Info box (Can be displayed either as a horizontal or vertical measure).
