Opening Legacy or Archive Projects: Manage Library Parts
In the Start Archicad dialog, the Settings pop-up contains your preferences for handling Libraries and Library parts when opening Legacy (older-version) or Archive projects.
Note: To open the Start Archicad dialog, do one of the following:
-Double-click the Archicad program icon
-Click the Archicad Starter application
Legacy Projects
By default, Archicad will Migrate Library when necessary.
With this setting, the migration process takes place in the background every time you open a Legacy project, with no user input required.
Archive Projects
Another option is available for the startup of Archive (pla) projects: Read Elements Directly from Archive.
If you check this box, library parts are read automatically, with no user input required.
If this box is not checked: each time you open an Archive file, the Open Archive dialog appears, where you must define how to handle the library parts.
See Open Archive Project to learn about these options.
To view information about possible Library-related issues, check the Libraries item in the Action Center (File > Info > Action Center).