Store Selection Sets in Selections Palette
Use the Window > Palettes > Selections palette to create saved, frequently accessed sets of selections that are stored with the Project.
The controls of the Selections Palette allow you to save any selection made on the Floor Plan, 3D window, Section/Elevation/IE window, or a Detail/Worksheet drawing. You can delete a selection or sort saved selections by name or by window of origin.
Use Add Selection to save this selection (you will be prompted to name it.)
Use Redefine to update any Selection Set based on current element selection.
Click the list headers to sort the items by name or the window they originate in.
The bottom part of the palette displays the contents of the selection set.
Use the X, - and + controls as follow:
•Click X function to select, in the project, only the elements in the highlighted selection set.
•Click - to deselect, in the project, the elements of the highlighted selection set.
•Click + to select all the elements of the highlighted selection set (in addition to any other current selection).
The operation is always performed on the currently active window.