Intersection Priority (Building Material)

Building Material intersection priority affects the way elements intersect and display in model views.

Expressed in numbers, an intersection priority can run from weak - a minimum of 0 - to strong - maximum of 999.


To fine-tune element intersections, you can adjust the Building Material priority.

Note: Any changes you make here will affect all project elements which use that Building Material! To adjust the priority in just one element of the project, create a duplicate Building Material with a different priority.

See also Basic Intersection Principles and Intersecting Elements with Identical Priorities.

Edit Intersection Priority

1.Open the Building Materials dialog:

Options > Element Attributes > Building Materials

2.Do one of the following:

Use the slider to adjust a Building Material’s relative priority in its intersections with other construction elements


Click the Priority header to sort by priority, then drag a selected Building Material up or down in the list.Its priority changes depending on its list position.
