Winder Types for Equal-Going Winders

In Stair Settings - Geometry and Positioning Panel:

1.Choose one of four types of Equal-Going Winders from the pop-up: Single Point, Two Points, Principal Lines, and Auxiliary Walking Line.


2.Click one of the three icons to set how to distribute the treads at the turning point, where the winder axis intersects the walking line:


Riser: place a riser at the turning point

Symmetric Going: a tread is halved at the turning point

Asymmetric Going: no restrictions on tread placement

See the following illustrations:


Winder Type: Auxiliary Walking Line
Turning Point: Riser


Winder Type: Auxiliary Walking Line
Turning Point: Symmetric Going


Winder Type: Auxiliary Walking Line
Turning Point: Asymmetric Going

Winder Segments

In case of a Winder Segment, the midpoint of the Winder part of the walking line is considered the starting point of the Winder.

Bisectors are constructed as the perpendicular to the walking line through this point.

Equal Goings are measured starting from this point.

Tapered Tread Minimum Widths are measured starting from this point’s projection onto the inner edge.