Create a Box Morph

Activate the Morph Tool and choose the Box geometry method.

In the 3D Window:

1.Choose the input plane. Either click to find the default plane, or choose another input plane based on existing elements or using the Editing Plane controls.

See Reposition Editing Plane.

If you click in “empty space”, the default input plane is at the base height defined in Morph Default Settings.

2.Click twice to define the rectangular base of the Box Morph. (The base is always aligned with the grid. You can rotate the grid to place the box at a different angle, or you can place it and then rotate it afterwards.)

3.Drag the cursor to define the height of the Box Morph.

4.Click to complete.

On the Floor Plan or in Section:

1.Choose the Box geometry method from the Info Box.

2.Click twice to define the rectangular base of the Box Morph.

3. Enter an extrusion vector length - the distance that will be the height of the Box Morph.
