ID Management

The ID field is located in the Classification and Properties settings panel of all construction element tools, as well as the Fill and Zone tools.


The ID identifies and groups elements in list views. You can also use the ID in the Label associated to elements. Any character can be used.

Element ID is also important if you wish to save the Archicad Model in BIMx Hyper-model format: BIMx provides feedback on selected elements based on their Element ID. (Make sure you include Classifications and Properties, including element ID data, when saving the Archicad model as a BIMx Hyper-model - otherwise, BIMx cannot provide ID-based feedback on the model’s selected elements. See Step 3: Info Set)

Note: All construction elements also have an automatically generated unique ID (GUID) which is conserved throughout the Project’s life. You can also use this identifier for labeling or in lists.

Many List Schemes filter or group elements by their IDs. Totals obtained in calculations can refer to elements that have the same ID. Therefore, the content of the ID may be significant.

Important points

If a number is included anywhere in the ID field, drawing successive elements adds one to this number for each new element, provided that the Assign New Element ID to Each New Element checkbox is enabled the Options > Work Environment > More Options dialog box. If there is no number in the ID field, each new element of the given type will have the same ID.

If elements are duplicated or multiplied, the IDs of the replicas will remain the same as those of the originals.

If you paste elements into a Project, you may have elements with conflicting IDs.

See also Element ID Manager.