Core-Based Wall Reference Line

Migrate from Archicad 16 and earlier.

To support more consistent element positioning and intersection logic, Wall Reference Line options have been renamed and expanded. Instead of Left, Right and Center, they are known as Outside Face, Center and Inside Face. (New core-based reference line options are also available; these include Core Outside/Center/Inside).

The “flip” status means that a selected Wall is flipped (or mirrored) along its reference line. The reference line stays in place, but the body of the Wall flips to the other side.

When you migrate to Archicad 26, Wall Reference lines will be redefined as follows:

AC16 Left = Flip on + Outside Face

AC16 Left + Positive Offset = Flip on + Outside Face + Positive Offset

AC16 Center = Flip off + Center

AC16 Center mirrored = Flip on + Center

AC16 Right = Flip off + Outside Face

AC16 Right + Positive Offset = Flip off + Outside Face + Positive Offset