Result Conflicts with Data Type

If you get this error message, you must change the Data Type so that it matches the result of your expression.

Example 1: Area Divided by Area: Requires Data Type of “Number”

This Expression-based property divides an area-type property (no. 1) with another area (the product of two lengths, no. 2).

The Property’s Data Type is set to Area, but this is incorrect, because an area divided by an area is a Number.


Set the Data Type to Number. The error is corrected.


Example 2: Cost-Per-Volume Multiplied by Volume: Requires Data Type of “Number”

In this Expression-based property:


The first argument (no. 1) is a number-type property (Cost per Volume).

To express this as a volume unit: divide the first argument (no. 1) by 1 cubic meter (no. 2): Cost Per Volume / 1 m3.

Now you can multiply this cost-per-volume by the actual volume of the structure (its Conditional Volume, argument no. 3).

The Property’s Data Type is set to Volume, but this is incorrect, because a Cost-per-volume multiplied by a volume is a Cost - that is, a non-unit Number.

Set the Data Type to Number. The error is corrected.
