Openings By Renovation Status: Override Examples

Not available in Archicad Start Edition 2023

Examples of default display of walls with windows shown with Override:

NEW wall in red (-> window is also red for NEW, no demolition)


TO BE DEMOLISHED wall in yellow (-> window is also yellow for TO BE DEMOLISHED)


Window MOVED from right to left

To communicate a modified element with the Renovation feature - such as a window that is moved - you must model the window twice: in its original location and in its new location.

Select the original window and set its Renovation Status to To be Demolished. Note that the window frame is yellow (it will be demolished), but the wall beneath it is red (it will be rebuilt).

Select the window in its new location and set its Renovation Status to New. Note that the window frame is red (it will be built as new), but the wall beneath it is yellow (it will be demolished to make room for the window).

Archicad automatically displays any overlap (between the window’s old locations) in white.


On the right: the yellow window frame must be demolished. The red part - formerly the window opening - is new wall.

On the left: the yellow wall part must be demolished to make room for the opening. The red frame is the new frame.

In the middle: the white part was part of the opening before, and remains part of the opening after.