Workflows for Tricky Renovation Situations

Not available in Archicad Start Edition 2023

Archicad’s Renovation feature depends on assigning the proper Renovation Style to individual elements, and then displaying them in the different filters corresponding to the different stages of the renovation process. In most cases, once you have assigned element styles and defined filter options, you can see the graphical feedback just by clicking from view to view - from Existing Plan to New Construction to Planned Status. The display of elements changes automatically.

However, some renovation processes involve element components - not just discrete elements - and so their style cannot be conveyed just by switching from one view to another. There are ways to get around this constraint: by recreating the needed elements separately in each view, and assigning their correct renovation status.

You can use the Renovation palette’s “Show on current Renovation Filter Only” function to restrict the display of any element to a certain Filter - so that the element is visible only in a particular view filter.

See Show an Element in a Single Renovation Filter Only.

You can set up views for Interactive Schedules that help you determine the total quantities of new building components to be acquired, and of demolished building materials to be carted away.

See the examples below:

Adding Insulation to Walls: Renovation Workflow

Adding New Door Panel to Existing Door Frame: Renovation Workflow

Zone Stamps for Renovated Rooms: Renovation Workflow

Listing Material Quantities for Renovation Projects