Round Up [ROUNDUP]

Rounds a number up to a specified number of digits.

If the Number of Digits argument is positive, rounding takes place upward to the specified number of decimal places.

If the Number of Digits argument is zero, the number is rounded up to the nearest integer.

If the Number of Digits argument is negative, rounding up takes place to the given number of places, to the left of the decimal point.


ROUNDUP (Number, NumberOfDigits)

Note: The required separator (comma or semi-colon) automatically corresponds to your computer’s location settings.

Data Types of the Arguments

Number: Integer, Number

Number of Digits: Integer

Data Type of the Result



The “Number of Tiles” property divides a Slab’s top surface area by the area of a single tile. The result is 371.35.

Create another property which rounds up this result to a whole number.


ROUNDUP (Number of tiles, 0)


372 (where the Number of Tiles result is 371.35)


See also: Round [ROUND], Round Down [ROUNDDOWN].

To round to a certain multiple, use Round to Multiple [MROUND] (or Round Up to Multiple [MROUNDUP] or Round Down to Multiple [MROUNDDOWN]).