Join Strings [TEXTJOIN]

Joins two or more text strings into one string, separated by a given delimiter.

If IgnoreIfEmpty is True, the result will ignore empty strings.


TEXTJOIN (“Delimiter”, IgnoreIfEmpty, “Text1”, “Text2”, ...)

Note: The required separator (comma or semi-colon) automatically corresponds to your computer’s location settings.

Data Types of the Arguments

Delimiter and Text: String

Ignore if Empty: True/False

Data Type of the Result



For each element, list its ID plus Zone Name plus Renovation Status.

The Delimiter consists of a comma and a space.


TEXTJOIN (“, ”, TRUE, Element ID, Related Zone Name, Renovation Status)


SW-002, Kitchen, To Be Demolished


TEXTJOIN is similar to Merge Strings [CONCAT].

Compared to CONCAT, TEXTJOIN has the following additional features:

- add a specific delimiter character between each string automatically

- option to ignore empty strings