Library Part Maker

Note: Library Part Maker is available for SSA/Forward customers only.

Library Part Maker (LPM) is an Archicad add-on that simplifies and streamlines the creation of custom GDL-based Library Parts.

Install Library Part Maker from the Downloads page at

Open the Library Part Maker palette using one of these commands:

Design > Design Extras > Library Part Maker

Window > Palettes > Library Part Maker


The Library Part Maker workflow is based on the use of standard 2D and 3D Archicad tools and does not require any GDL programming knowledge. The LPM approach focuses on ‘real-life’ manufactured products, in which geometry and information are firmly tied together (e.g. a certain type of product has always a unique bar code number). Yet LPM allows for parametric 2D/3D (LOD-based) and parametric CAD (Archicad Attribute-based) 2D symbols and 3D models. Also, LPM greatly simplifies creation and design of complex doors and windows in Archicad.


LPM provides tools for creating the following GDL Library Part types:

Generic Object





MEP Library Parts (fully functional with MEP Library and the MEP Modeler Add-on).


LPM for Archicad 25 removed the layer-based functionality of previous LPM releases and replaced it with the Assignment-based concept. This concept removes the rigid organization of elements by layers, a process that could be error prone.

The new workflow is based on the upgraded and integrated Library Part Palette.

Any content created by LPM release prior to Archicad 25 will be automatically migrated to appropriate assignments. These elements can be freely moved to any layer.

The creation of Handles and Shutter accessories as separate types has been discontinued. These Library Parts are covered by a standard Archicad functionality in File > Libraries and Objects > Save Selection As.

Related Topics:

Library Part Maker Palette

Library Part Maker: Detailed workflow

Library Part Assignments

Customizing Data Properties