Join or Leave a Teamwork Project

To join or leave a Teamwork project, you must be online.


Typically, you will join a Teamwork project and remain joined in, for the full period of time that you are a participant in the life of the project.

As long as you are joined in to a Teamwork Project, a copy of the project exists locally on your machine and is synchronized with the project on the server whenever you send and receive changes.

As long as you are joined in to a Teamwork Project, you can Open or Close the project as many times as you like, without losing your reservations or dumping your local copy.

To join a project, follow the process described here: Open or Join Teamwork Project.

The only difference is that the project you choose from the Open Teamwork Project list will not have a blue head (which would indicate that you already joined it), and the dialog box command changes to Join.


Typically, you will leave a Teamwork project when you no longer participate in it. Once you leave a project, you relinquish your reservations and the local copy on your machine is discarded.

Note: Even if you leave (and not just close) the project and later re-join it, full library downloads will be not be repeated if the local library copy has remained on your machine. In contrast to the local copy of the project, which is discarded when you leave the project, the local library copy is not discarded when you leave the project.

Close a Project vs. Leave a Project

When you finish working each day, do not leave the project; just Close it.

The next day, you will not have to join the project (you are already joined in); just Open it.

As long as you are joined in to a Teamwork Project, you can Open or Close the project as many times as you like, without losing your reservations or dumping your local copy.

However, once you Leave the project (as opposed to closing it), you lose your reservations and dump your local copy. It is recommended that you do not leave the project unless you do not plan to work on it any more in the foreseeable future. Typically, you will leave a Teamwork project when you no longer participate in it.

See also Close Teamwork Project.

Force Leave

See Force User to Leave a Teamwork Project.