Command Line Parameters (Custom Install)

The following table lists the parameters that can be used to customize unattended installation of Archicad and/or Graphisoft Add-ons, as applicable.

In the command line, type the executable file name followed by one or more parameters as detailed below.

Note: There are two dashes in front of each parameter. Be careful when adding parameters using copy/paste, because sometimes the two dashes are converted into a single dash, which will cause errors.

To do this

Type this in the command line

Run installation in Unattended Mode

--mode unattended

List available standard parameters

See a list of general command-line parameters for customizing unattended installation.


Specify installation folder

(if you don’t specify, the program will be installed to the default location.)


followed by the path of the preferred installation folder.

If the path contains spaces, enclose the entire path in quotation marks.

Note: The uninstaller will also be located at this path. See also Unattended Uninstall

Install additional (non-default) components

Use this option to select additional (“allowed”) components for installation, which would not be installed by default (e.g. certain Goodies in the Goodies Suite installer).


followed by a comma-separated list of the allowed (non-default) components to install.

To see list of allowed components: type  --help.

Disable installation of (default) components

Use this option to prevent installation of certain components, which otherwise would be installed by default.


followed by a comma-separated list of default components to omit from the installation.

To see list of default components: type  --help.

Identify Current User (Mac only)

Installation on Mac is run via a “root” user. In case of deployment installation (e.g. Apple Remote Desktop), use this parameter to specify the current user - for example, to create desktop and dock shortcut for a specific user (rather than the “root” user).


followed by the username.

Use an Option file containing command line parameters


followed by name of the option file (as well as its directory path, if it is not in the same folder as the executable).

For info on how to set up the Option File, see Option File (Custom Install).

Additional Command Line Parameters (for Archicad Only)

These parameters are not listed in the --help file, but can be used to customize unattended Archicad installation.

Default installation option is shown in red.

To do this

Type this in the command line

Add AC Shortcut to Desktop

Added by default.

If you don’t want to add it, replace 1 with 0

--desktopshortcut 1

--desktopshortcut 0

Add AC Dock Icon (Mac only)

Added by default.

If you don’t want to add it, replace 1 with 0

--dockshortcut 1

--dockshortcut 0

Enable Automatic Update

Enabled by default.

To disable it, replace 1 with 0

--enableautomaticupdate 1

--enableautomaticupdate 0

Automatic Update - Notification Preference

If enableautomaticupdate = 1:
this additional parameter defines which update type triggers a notification in Archicad.

Default value is regular. Notifies for Updates only.

To notify for both Updates and Update Previews: use the insider value.

--updatechannel regular

--updatechannel insider

Install predefined company-standard defaults for

Work Environment,

Archicad Template, and/or

DXF-DWG Translators


followed by the path of the Defaults folder containing your preferred files.

For info on how to set up the Defaults folder, see Customized Company Defaults for Unattended Installation (Archicad Only).

Additional Command Line Parameters: EDU-University and Regional Languages Only

To do this

Type this in the command line

Archicad EDU - University Licenses only

Provide User ID and Serial Number for unattended install.

Not available for individual students with EDU licenses.


followed by 20-character serial number (no spaces, no separators)


followed by the edu User ID (usually your registration email)

If the User ID contains spaces, enclose the User ID in quotation marks.

If these parameters are incorrect, installation will still take place, but Archicad will run in Demo mode only. Reinstall as needed using the correct data.

Test the installation with your user data before deploying unattended install.


--eduSerialNumber SY6NQKC0K19P06V89S1B


Spanish- or French-language Archicad only

Choose preferred regional language environment.


followed by FRA or SUI (French-language regions), or

followed by SPA


--regionOption FRA