Edit Line Type (Symbol)

To create a new symbolic line type:

1.Draw the stencil on the Floor Plan or in another window, using Lines, Arcs and Hotspots.

2.Select all stencil components

3.Choose Edit > Copy.

4.Open the Lines dialog (Options > Element Attributes > Lines)

5.Click New.

6.From the New Line dialog box, select the Symbol option and click OK.

7.In the Lines dialog, click Paste under the graphic editing section.


The previously captured line component will appear in the graphic editing Window. You may edit the scale of both line component and the gap between each component, by either dragging the little flags in the window or editing the numeric values underneath. The line component will be scaled as a whole.

Notes: Only Arcs, Lines and Hotspots may be used in the definition of symbolic lines. If the selection of components copied from the Archicad window includes splines, fills, text or other elements, these will not be pasted into the Lines dialog box. The bounding box of pasted graphics will be centered on the centerline of the Symbol line. If the Project Origin was located within the bounding box of the copied elements, it will be used for alignment.

Regular Copy-Paste operations do not function in this dialog box.

To change a symbolic line after the original components have been deleted from the Floor Plan, select the line to be edited within the Lines dialog box, and press Copy. Then paste these components on the Floor Plan, where you can edit them.

The appearance of the lines on the screen, printer or plotter depends on the following options:

Scale with plan (Model size): Use this option to ensure that the current Line type will be displayed at the same scale as the model on every output.

Note: Avoid editing a scaled line type if the project scale is different than that of the line type, as it will be distorted.

Scale-independent (Paper size): Use this option to display, plot and print the current Line type definition at a fixed size, regardless of output scale.

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Line Weight Display

By default, all lines will be displayed at Hairline width, at one pixel wide.

In addition, you can enable Bold Cut Lines (View > On-Screen View Options); this will show all Cut lines as bold (two pixels wide, regardless of the line’s true pen weight). All other lines will be shown at Hairline width.

The alternative to Hairline weight is display each pen’s True Line Weight: enable Line True Weight in View > On-Screen View Options. Each line’s pen weight (depending on its pen weight value as defined in the Pens and Colors dialog box) will be displayed accurately.

See On-Screen View Options.