Default Texture Alignments/Reset Texture

Default texture alignments vary by element.

The “Reset Texture” command is available for selected elements if you have changed their texture alignments, either by using the Align 3D Texture command, or (as with Slabs and Roofs) by editing element shape.

The following table indicates how textures are aligned (by default and after reset).


Default Texture Alignment

“Reset Texture” Result


Parallel to Reference Line

Parallel to Reference Line


Perpendicular to Reference Line

Perpendicular to Reference Line


Aligned with longest edge

Realigns with longest edge


Aligned with longest edge

Realigns with X Axis

Single-plane Roof

Parallel to Pivot Line
The tile texture on a slanted roof always faces downward (as you draw the pivot line from A to B, the right-hand side is “downward”).

Realigns automatically after editing Roof contour

For angled roof: Realigns parallel to Pivot Line

For flat roof: Realigns to longest edge


Aligned with longest edge

Realigns automatically after editing Roof contour


Related Topics:

Align 3D Texture

Display Surface cover fill in 3D Window