Basic Morph Editing: Fillet/Chamfer a Morph

You can fillet or chamfer the corners and edges of Morphs, in 2D or 3D windows.

Note that a fillet or chamfer operation has the effect of created one or more new Morph faces. These new faces will always “inherit” the default surface of the original Morph.

Fillet/Chamfer a Morph Corner

1.Select a Morph and bring up the pet palette at one of its corners.

2.Choose the Fillet/Chamfer Corner command and apply the desired options.

ChamferCorner1.png     ChamferCorner2.png

Check the box to apply to all corners of the Morph:


Fillet/Chamfer Morph Edges

1.Bring up the pet palette on the edge of a selected Morph (or on one or more selected edges).

2.Choose the Fillet/Chamfer Edge(s) command and apply the desired options.

FilletEdge1.png     FilletEdge2.png

If you have selected an entire Morph, you can check the box to apply the fillet/chamfer to all edges:


Custom Resolution for Fillet

By default, the Fillet resolution is set to 4 (this is best displayed in wireframe):


For different results, adjust the Fillet resolution up or down:
