Wall Ends

The Wall End tool allows you to create a correct wall end profile with a single click.

1.Activate the Wall End Tool.


2.From Wall End Settings or the Info Box, choose the desired Wall End object.

3.Click on a hotspot at either end of a wall to place the Wall End.

WallEnd2D.png     WallEnd3D.png

Wall Ends are parametric GDL objects, similar to window and door objects. Wall End parameters (such as width and height) can be customized using Wall End Settings.

See Wall End Tool Settings.

Wall Ends are counted as objects in list schedules. Depending on its type, a wall end might reduce the wall’s surface or volume, but does not add to it. During a Crop to Roof operation, Wall Ends are handled as part of the wall, just like windows.

See Crop Elements to Single-plane Roof.

Wall Ends also remain in place if a Stretch, Drag or Split command is executed.