Working with Layouts

Topics in this section:

Open a Layout

Navigate Among Layouts

Create New Layout

Delete Layouts

Open a Layout

Do one of the following:

Double-click its name Navigator Layout Book or the Organizer palette’s Layout Editor.

Click the Layout’s name from the Window menu

Click the Open Layout command from the Layout drop-down in the Mini-Navigator Toolbar. Activate the desired Layout from the appearing Open Layout list.

The white area represents the usable print area of the paper delimited by a blue frame.

The gray area represents the non-printing area (margins) of the paper.


When you open a new layout or Master Layout, it can either replace the opened one, or be opened in a separate new tab. Change this tab-opening preference in Options > Work Environment > More Options.

Navigate Among Layouts

To navigate sequentially among Layouts in the Layout Book:

Click the Layout navigation arrows in the Quick Options Bar at the bottom of the Layout window.

To access the Go to Layout command:

Click the button showing the current Layout number.


Create New Layout

Do one of the following:

From any Layout Book item in Navigator: use New Layout context menu command

Document > Layout Book > New Layout 

New Layout icon in the Navigator Palette or the Organizer


Delete Layouts

You can delete any Layout in the Layout Book except the last one: the Layout Book must always contain at least one Layout.

Related Topics

Master Layouts

Print Layout

Drawings in the Layout Book