Reserve Settings of Layout Book Items (Teamwork)
Note: To reserve the Settings of a Layout, Master Layout or Subset, you must be assigned the role: Layouts and Subsets - Delete/Modify. If you do not have this role, the corresponding commands are not available.
Use context menus in the Navigator to reserve the Layouts you need: right click the Layout, then choose Reserve Layout Settings. (The same applies to Master Layouts.) Alternatively, select the Layout and click Reserve at the bottom of the Layout Book.
Reserving a Layout’s Settings means that you reserve the right to:
•modify Layout Settings
•delete the Layout
•move the Layout within the Layout Book structure
Note: To move a Layout, you must also reserve the Layout’s source folder and its target folder.
See: Moving Views and Layouts in the Navigator: Reservation Requirements (Teamwork)
To reserve Settings of all available Layouts in the Layout Book, or all Layouts in one of its Subsets or in the Master Layouts folder, right-click the Layout Book name (or the Subset/folder), then choose Reserve all sub-items.
If the selected folder itself is available too, the command is: Reserve with all available sub-items. This will reserve the settings of the selected folder, plus the settings of all available items that it contains.
Available items are those not currently reserved by any other user.
Use context menus in the Navigator to reserve the Subsets that you need: right click the subset, then choose Reserve Subset Settings. This gives you the right to modify Subset Settings.
Note: Modifications to Subset Settings will affect all Layouts in the Subset, even those owned by other users.
Reserve Layout Book Settings
To reserve Book Settings, right-click the project name at the top of the Layout Book tree structure and click Reserve Book Settings.
Reserving the Layout Book gives you the sole right to edit Book Settings.