Map Complex Profiles (By Name)

1.For each listed Archicad Profile, choose a corresponding Type and Cross Section.


The SAF Cross-section pop-up is filtered by the chosen type (Manufactured, Parametric or Compound) and listed according to SAF Formcode.

If you don’t find the SAF Cross Section you need in the pop-up, you can add more to the list. See Add More SAF Cross Sections to Mapping List (Export to SAF).

For all Profiles mapped by name, the SAF Cross Section includes the material definition.

Profiles whose type is “General” are not mapped by name. They will be recreated as SAF Cross Sections based on the Profile polygon or geometry. Their material is defined in the Material Mapping panel.

2.To add an additional Archicad Profile to the list, do one of the following:

From the Add button, click Add used Profiles from Current Project


Click Add, then choose from the Archicad project’s list of Complex Profiles. (Available Profile attributes: those with a core and used with Beams or Columns.)