Calculation Rules Preferences

Open this dialog at Options > Project Preferences > Calculation Rules.

Use these controls to set how to calculate certain elements and components in Interactive Schedules. If you use a “Conditional” parameter in your schedule, you can specify the conditions in this dialog box.

For example: if you want to list Slab Surface Area so that small holes are ignored but big holes are subtracted:

Add the “Surface Area (Conditional)” parameter to Scheme Settings of the Interactive Schedule

Use the Calculation Rules dialog box to specify the conditions for such parameters (e.g. the size of holes to ignore or to subtract).

See details below.


Ignore Element holes if

These conditions are relevant when listing element properties (volume, area or Wall length) which are “conditional”.  The holes in such listed elements are either subtracted or ignored, depending on hole size: 

For each conditional property:

Set a hole size limit. Holes bigger than this limit are subtracted. (Smaller holes are ignored.)

Choose one or more element types. The condition applies only to the element types you checked.

Click Add to add another conditional property (or the same property) to the list, and customize the conditions for various element types, as needed.

Ignore Component holes if 

These conditions are relevant when listing component properties (volume or area ) which are “conditional”.  The holes in such listed components are either subtracted or ignored, depending on hole size: 

For each conditional property:

Set a hole size limit. Holes bigger than this limit are subtracted. (Smaller holes are ignored.)

Choose a Building Material classification. (The condition applies only to components that are classified accordingly.

Note: Available classifications depend on the selected Classification system.

See Classification Manager.

Special Skins in Elements

When listing “insulation” or “air fill” quantities:

Define which Building Materials, used for the components of composite elements, should be recognized as “insulation” or “air fill”.

For example, if your standard insulation layer in roofs is called “GENERIC - Internal Cladding”, check that box from the Roof Insulation Skin pop-up.

Calculate Totals in Schedules by

This option determines how subtotals are added up in Schedules.

Displayed values (default): Each value (as displayed on the interface) is rounded off according to your Rounding/Extra Accuracy settings. The sum of these rounded values produces the grand total.

Exact values: Choose this for a more accurate value: the program adds up the exact values (not displayed on the interface) before it rounds them off according to your Rounding/Extra Accuracy settings to produce the grand total.

Related Topic

Interactive Schedule