List of Projects/Libraries on Server
See list of all projects/libraries hosted by a server
On the Servers page, Projects and Libraries panels are available for a selected BIMcloud Server or folder.
They list all hosted projects and libraries, plus their key data.

View data on project/library
Name: Name and path of the project/library. If the data is unused, then it displays the last known name and path of the data
Version: Version of the Archicad project
Status: OK / Unused. A Status of Unused means that the Manager does not have any project/library which uses this data.
Last activity: Last time the data was accessed
Last backup
Active users: Number of currently joined users in a project
Delete, load, or link project/library

Change Host: move data of a Teamwork Project or Library from one host server to another on the BIMcloud. (You can also do this on the Projects page of BIMcloud Manager. See Change the Host Server of project or library.)
Delete: Deletes the project/library
Load as new project/library: Only available for Unused projects/libraries. Creates a new project/library on the Manager from the hosted data.
Link to existing project/library: Only available for Unused projects/libraries. Links the data to a Missing project/library.
Missing or unused projects/libraries
If the BIMcloud Manager refers to a project/library on a Server, but the project/library is no longer there, then it is listed in the Missing projects or Missing libraries section.
The BIMcloud Manager and the BIMcloud Server are separate components. A project/library that is listed in BIMcloud Manager must have a linked project or library data available on the Server as well. The reverse is also true: data hosted on the Server must be linked to a project/library entity in the BIMcloud Manager.
Sometimes the two components will become out of sync (e.g. one of the components was restored from a snapshot).
Depending on which component was rolled back, two kind of errors are possible:
Missing project/library: A project/library exists on the BIMcloud Manager (it is visible in the Project list), but the data it refers to on the host Server is missing
Unused project/library: project/library data exists on the Server, but the BIMcloud Manager does not know about it and does not have a matching entry in the project/library list

Available functions:
Delete: Removes the project from the BIMcloud Manager
Link to hosted project: The project/library can be re-linked to an unused project/library hosted on the current or any other Server